by velocollective | Sep 21, 2023 | Repair Tips
Few Instructional Videos For Vintage Bikes If you have a vintage bike and need to replace your older tubular tyre, it’s not so easy to find a video about how to glue tubular tyres of aluminium rims. Why? Well, it’s because most videos and...
by velocollective | Feb 15, 2023 | Repair Tips
Swapping Out Triple for Double Shifters Your biking needs may change over the years. It may happen that you buy a bike which has a triple shifting transmission, a system that you don’t need. Alternatively, you could find yourself no longer riding on...
by velocollective | Feb 28, 2022 | Repair Tips
Kool Stop Brake Pads I’ve been an admirer of Kool Stop brake pads for years, using them on many vintage bikes I’ve restored. Not only have Kool Stop always provided direct replacements for classic brakes made by Mafac, Weinmann and Campagnolo, they’ve always...
by velocollective | Feb 16, 2022 | Repair Tips
Restoring Brake Hoods Better to have worn and even crumbling old brake hoods than none at all, is my opinion. Sometimes you come across bikes advertised as “restored” only to notice that the brake hoods are missing. Bare metal lever bodies are ugly and detract...
by velocollective | Nov 22, 2020 | Repair Tips
Can 10 Speed Friction Shifting Work? Some people have commented on the video that they have succeeded in making 10 speed friction shifting work. I accept that some set ups could function, but the precision involved would surely cause two issues: All parts would...
by velocollective | May 15, 2020 | Repair Tips, Vintage Bikes, Vintage French Bikes
An Unrideable Peugeot HLE The Peugeot HLE was owned by my brother in law from new, but a few years ago the rear chain stay snapped on it and the bike was ruefully stored in his shed. I sent him the quite striking replacement for it, a repainted frameset...
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